Friday, September 6, 2013


ရူပေဗဒဘာသာရပ္တြင္ အမွတ္ျပည့္ရႏိုင္ရန္ အခန္းတိုင္းကို ေၾကေၾကညက္ညက္ နားလည္ရပါမည္။ တစ္ခန္းစီအတြက္
(၁) Definitions/laws မ်ားကို ျပဌာန္းစာအုပ္ပါအတိုင္း က်က္မွတ္ရပါမည္။ 
(၂) စာတစ္ေၾကာင္းခ်င္း၊ စာတစ္လံုးခ်င္းကို နားလည္ေအာင္ ဖတ္ထားၿပီး Fill in the Blanks, True/False ႏွင့္ Quiz မ်ားေျဖႏိုင္ေအာင္ ျပင္ဆင္ရပါမည္။ 
(၃)  Formula derivation  မ်ားကို ေလ့က်င့္ရပါမည္။          
(၄) Questions and Problems  မ်ားကို ေလ့က်င့္ရပါမည္။
(၅) သရုပ္ေဖၚပံုမ်ားကို ေလ့က်င့္ရပါမည္။

(၁) က်က္မွတ္ရန္ Definitions/laws မ်ား
1.         Work Done: Work may be defined as the product of force applied and displacement.
W = F cos q d, [where W = the work done, d = distance moved,
q = the angle between force and displacement, F = applied force]
  2.       Power: The rate of doing work is defined as power.
P = W/t; [where P = power, W = work done, t = time]
  3.       Watt: The unit of power equal to a rate of energy transfer (or work done) of 1 joule per second.
  4.       1 watt: If the work done in 1 second is 1 joule, the power is 1 watt.
  5.       Simple Machines: There are three types of Simple Machines. They are (i) the lever (e.g, a crowbar), (ii) the inclined plane (e.g, a screw jack) (iii) the hydraulic press (e.g, brake system of a car).
  6.       Hydraulic System: A system that transfers force from place to place using fluids.
  7.       Lever: An appliance which is pivoted about some point, and which generates a turning effect when a force is applied at some point other than the pivot.
  8.       Machine: An appliance that enables work to be done.
  9.       Mechanical Advantage (MA): The mechanical advantage of the machine is defined as the ratio of a load (W) to an effort (P).
10.     Velocity Ratio (VR): The ratio of the distance per second moved steadily by the effort to that of the load is called the velocity ratio of the machine.
11.     Efficiency: The ratio of output work to input work is defined as the efficiency of the machine.
12.     Input work: The work supplied by the effort is called input work.
13.     Output work: The work done on the load is called output work.
14.     Perfect Machine: A perfect machine is one for which output work is equal to input work or whose efficiency is 100 %.
15.     Elasticity: The ability to retain the original form is called elasticity.
16.     Elastic Limit: There is a limit beyond which if the spring or any other elastic object is stretched, it will not return to its original form. Such a limit is called the elastic limit.
17.     Hooke’s Law: As long as the elastic limit of a body is not exceeded, the strain produced is (directly) proportional to the stress causing it.
In symbols,           F µ x (or) F = k x; (k = constant)
where F = applied force or stress (N), x = elongation or strain (m)
18.     Stress: The force applied to an elastic body is called stress.
19.     Strain: The elongation produced by an elastic body is called strain.
(2) Fill in the blanks.
  1.    The unit of power in SI system is the _________.
  2.    In the British system the unit of power is _________________________.
  3.    Power is equal to the product of force and ___________.
  4.    Machines transmit _________ from one point to the next.
  5.    Large machines are made up of __________ machines.
  6.    In lifting a large load, a ___________ is employed.
  7.    The work done by the effort is called _______ work.
  8.    The work done on the load is called _______ work.
  9.    The efficiency of a machine is always less than ____________.
10.  Hooke called the applied force the ______.
11.  Hooke called the elongation the _______.
Ans: (1) watt  (2) foot-pound per second (3) velocity (4) force(s) (5) simple
        (6) machine (7) input (8) output (9) 1 (OR) 100 % (10) stress (11) strain
(3) Say True or False
  1.    Power is a fundamental concept of physics.
  2.    Power is a scalar quantity.
  3.    The VR is usually much greater than 1.
  4.    VR is greater than MA.
  5.    In using a machine, the small effort applied will have to move through a large distance.
  6.    Efficiency is dimensionless (unitless).
  7.    In practice, output work always exceeds input work.
  8.    It is possible, in practice, to build a perfect machine.
  9.    Elastic limits of different bodies are different.
10.  Springs, threads and rubber bands have elastic property.
Ans: (1) False (2) True (3) True (4) True (5) True (6) True (7) False (8) False (9) True (10) True
 (4) Quiz:
  1.       Explain why power is a useful concept in practical works.
Ans: Car engines, water pumps, refrigerators, air conditioners and electric bulbs, fluorescent tubes, etc. are classified according to their rated powers. Thus power is a useful concept in practical works.
  2.       Which is more advantageous: to pay wages according to the amount of work done or according to power?
Ans: Power can give only the rate of work done. The wage depends on amount of work done.
To pay wages according to the amount of work done is more advantageous.
(5) Calculation အတြက္ Formula မ်ား
1. Work Done
W = Fs = mgh
W = work (J), s = distance (m), F = force (N), m = mass (kg), h= height (m)
2. Power
P = W/t = Fv
W = the work done, P = power (W), t = time (s), F = force, v = constant velocity (m/s)
3. Mechanical Advantage
mechanical advantage (MA) = load (W) /[effort(P)]
4. Velocity Ratio
velocity ratio (VR) = (distance moved by effort)/ (distance moved by load)
5. Efficiency
efficiency = e = (Wout/Win) ´ 100 % = (MA/VR) ´ 100 %
6. Hooke’s Law
F = k x
F = applied force or stress (N), x = elongation or strain (m), k = constant (N/m)

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